

Octagram Limited

Trusted Partner for IT developement, Penetration testing and vulnerability management


Your business is our concern

We, at Octagram believe that our client's concerns should be our concern too. We’re a business focused company and we do our best to create the best experience we can for you. That’s a promise

Cyber Security & VAPT

Protect your digital assets and safeguard your business against cyber threats with our comprehensive Cyber Security and Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) services. Our expert team employs advanced techniques and methodologies to identify vulnerabilities, assess risks, and implement robust security measures, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of your sensitive information.

Web & Software Developement

Elevate your online presence and drive business growth with our bespoke web and software development solutions. From captivating websites to scalable web applications, our experienced developers leverage the latest technologies and industry best practices to deliver tailor-made solutions that align with your objectives and exceed your expectations.

Our Products

Delivering Continuous and Scalable Systems

Our promise is to deliver products that not only meet your expectations but also elevate the user experience to new heights.

RADAR Data Analyzer

A Data Analyzer for Law Enforment Agencies

Pentest Pilot

An automated vulnerability Scanner and Manangemnt System to secure your Infrastructure.

Facial Recognition System

Real-time and customizable facial recognition system for your security.

Our Products

A list of products we launched to show our Excellence.


Our Authorized Partners


Expect Experienced & Professional Develeopement

Our professional & Experienced developement team is capable to build any real-world & business solutions tailored to your needs and specification.Also, ll projects and products are rigorously tested by our Security team for any unwanted bugs & business logic flaws.

Touhidul Islam Chowdhury

Lead Developer

Full stack web developer (Flask) /Mern /PHP /Laravel /Flet Framework /Data Analysis /Machine learning /Deep Learning /IoT /Robotics /

Octagram Limited

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